Winner of 2024 Parramatta Local Business Award.

General Information

  • An extensive range of eye surgery procedures and the latest in laser vision correction procedures are performed in the day care surgery.
  • Located in the heart of the Parramatta business district, the Centre provides convenient access for patients and their accompanying relatives and friends.
  • The Centre is a purpose built day surgery unit designed and equipped exclusively for eye surgery.
  • The day surgery is wheelchair accessible - Patients with mobility difficulties may be set down on the driveway at the front of the Centre and taken direct to the bookings office on the ground floor.
  • Most patients will spend less than two hours at the day surgery.
  • A specialist anaesthetist supervises all procedures that require sedation.

Charges & Fees

Day Hospital Charges

We have contracted with the majority of private health funds and the Department of Veterans Affairs so that our hospital costs will be paid direct by them. In instances where you have chosen private health fund coverage involving a personal contribution towards the charges, payment of this contribution could be made on the day of surgery. If you do not have private health insurance, our bookings personnel will provide you with a written quotation of the costs for the hospital charges. Payment can be made by bankcard, MasterCard, visa, cheque, EFTPOS or cash on the day of surgery.


Doctors' Fees

Our bookings personnel will provide you with a written quotation identifying the portion of the charge that is not reimbursed by Medicare or your private health fund.


Accompanying Relatives and Friends

A relative or friend need to be available to take you home following surgery. Accompanying persons are welcome to wait at the Centre after arrival or may return at an agreed time


Marsden Eye Surgery Centre is a day surgery facility that is accredited against the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards and licensed by NSW Health under the Private Health Facilities Act 2007 and Regulation 2017.

It is recognised by Medicare, Veterans Affairs and Private Health Funds for payment of benefits.

The Centre is owned and operated in equal partnership by Dr Ross Fitzsimons, Dr Lee Koh, Dr Simon Liew, A/Prof Ashish Agar, Dr Terence Tan

Marsden Eye Surgery Centre is committed to providing quality health care and ensuring patients are fully informed and involved at all stages.

Surgery Team

Your surgeon and anaesthetist have been accredited by Marsden Eye Surgery Centre to undertake the management of your treatment. The day surgery employs qualified nursing personnel in the theatre and recovery area. Qualified Orthoptist personnel will assist your surgeon with laser vision correction procedures. Our experienced bookings personnel are readily available to assist with the administrative aspects of your surgery and to resolve your enquiries.

Support Service

We encourage you to contact the bookings personnel or your surgeon should you require any further assistance prior to the day of surgery. After eye surgery, we will provide you with detailed written and verbal instructions for your postoperative care as well as emergency contact numbers. Depending upon the nature of your surgery, the recovery nurse may arrange a time to phone you upon your return home in order to review your progress.

Ensuring Your Concerns and Complaints are Addressed

In our supportive day surgery, we encourage you to raise any concerns or complaints with your doctor and our staff at the time they arise and to participate in our patient satisfaction surveys. Where an issue or complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction or you did not feel comfortable raising it with staff, please address your concern marked confidential to;

The Chief Executive Officer,
Marsden Eye Surgery Centre,
PO Box 408, Parramatta 2124

You may also refer complaints to the New South Wales Health Complaints Unit or, if specifically related to financial issues, to your private health fund or the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman.

No Smoking Policy Smoking is not permitted in any area of the Day Surgery

Privacy Policy

We respect the confidentiality of your personal and clinical information. Our detailed privacy policy sets out our procedures for the collection and protection of your information, your rights of access to your medical records and how you may approach making a complaint relating to privacy concerns.

Patient's Rights and Responsibilities:

Each patient has a right to

  • privacy and dignity
  • second opinions
  • refusal of treatment
  • confidentiality of all personal and medical information
  • participate in the planning of their care
  • have their concerns or complaints addressed