Winner of 2024 Parramatta Local Business Award.

A/Prof Ashish Agar MBBS, PhD, FRANZCO

Cataract, Glaucoma and General Ophthalmology - Partner.

A/Prof Ashish Agar

A/Prof Ashish Agar

A/Prof Ashish Agar is a glaucoma specialist and senior partner at Marsden Eye Specialists. He trained in ophthalmology at Prince of Wales Hospital, and was fellowship trained in Oxford and prestigious Moorfields Eye Hospital, London. For his research in glaucoma pathogenesis, he has been awarded a PhD, and is involved in ongoing research programs via UNSW and UTS. He maintains his commitment to education via teaching undergraduate medical students, registrar training and specialist education, including in overseas aid programs in Burma, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and India. Ashish is also fluent in Hindi.

A/Prof Agar remains committed to ensuring equitable access to eye health care, regardless of geography or wealth. Some of his achievements include:

  • An academic appointment at the UNSW as Conjoint Associate Professor in Ophthalmology
  • Adjunct Clinical Fellow at UTS
  • Glaucoma consultant at Prince of Wales and Sydney Eye Hospital
  • Medical Director of the Outback Eye Service based at Prince of Wales Hospital
  • Director of Ophthalmology at Broken Hill Hospital
  • Co-Chair and NSW lead of the Indigenous and Remote Eye Health Service (IRIS) program
  • Vice-Chair of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmology (RANZCO) NSW branch
  • Reconciliation Officer for RANZCO
  • President of the Australian Society of Ophthalmologists (ASO), Australia’s peak medico-political ophthalmic body

A/Prof Agar consults in our Parramatta, Castle Hill and Penrith rooms.
